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Marvel: This alternate universe has a powerful Loki reaching the goal that Thanos never could

He Marvel Cinematic Universe shows us a Thanos super powerful that manages to subdue Loki y a Thor, in his search for the infinity gems. Even the Hulk’s brutal destructive rage is unable to stop the Mad Titan as he attempts to reach his goal.

What is its purpose? A genocide on a massive scale that wipes out half the population of the entire universe. Thanos says that this is just a small price to pay for salvation. He explains that resources are finite and with overpopulation on every world we are headed for extinction as a race.

The comics explain that this is true, in one of the many realities in which Thanos exists. But this is based on one in which the mad titan seeks to impress Lady Death, because he loves her, and she wants to exterminate the entire population of the universe, not just half.

He never makes it thanks to the existence of the Avengers. However, in one version of the comics, there is someone who does.

This is Loki, in number 65 of The Avengers, the series by Jason Aaron and Javier Garrón. According to what you review Hobby Consoles, This cartoon shows how Asgard is ruled by the God of Deception, because Thor died at the hands of his own brother because he did not have control of Mjolnir.

Loki realizes that he is the reason the Avengers are formed and that is why he is always destined for defeat. So, he found a way for this grouping to never be born in his reality. Other villains like Galactus and Thanos himself faced him and lost; Loki had a superlative magic level and impossible to be neutralized.

These actions of the excessive use of magic led him to pay a consequence: to sacrifice the life of the entire universe, which Thanos always wanted to surprise Lady Death.

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