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Marvel: This is the ultimate team that would have killed Thanos, avoiding the blip

Thanos He achieved his goal by snapping his fingers with the gauntlet and the Infinity Stones: wiping out half the population of the universe. But the most dangerous villain of Marvel He couldn’t have done it if he faced a special team, confirmed by the Casa de las Ideas in its most recent comic.

In What If…? Infinity: Guardians of the Galaxy #1 (2015), by Joshua Williamson and Jason Copland, Marvel shows what the ultimate team was to kill Thanos. Who were? The Guardians of the Galaxy and the Galactic Council.

Together, they avoided any other reality.

Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Groot and Drax, With Shi’Ar Majestor Gladiator, Annihilus of the Negative Zone, Brood Queen, Kree Supreme Intelligence and Super-Skrull, They killed off the Mad Titan in the comic.

It’s the creativity of Guardians of the Galaxy mixed with the power of the Galactic Council.

“While the Avengers are Earth’s Mightiest Heroes,” he notes Stefan Kondic in Screen Rant, “This issue reminds readers that the rest of the universe can offer even stronger champions when needed, and that the leaders of the major cosmic empires more than earned their positions.”

The Galactic Council, a key element of Marvel to end Thanos

We know the Guardians of the Galaxy, above all, by his presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In fact, the lack of sanity of Peter Quill (Star-Lord) it allowed Thanos a second chance to fulfill his goal in Avengers: Infinity War.

But what is the Galactic Council?

This is a group made up of cosmic warriors and galactic emperors, created to resolve the most important issues in the universe, as he explains. Marvel Database. Representatives of eight galaxies and other dimensions, such as Annihilus, Brood Queen and the aforementioned, make decisions and, when it’s time, fight.

The Galactic Council made his appearance in Fantastic Four #262, October 1983, like an intergalactic court.

By September 2000, he appeared in Maximum Security: Dangerous Plan as an intergalactic council and, already as a Galactic Council, in X-Men: Kingbreaker #1, from December 2008.

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