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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: forget the studio’s other games, it’s going to be madness

PS5 exclusive Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is going to be one of the console’s most massive games. And waiting for gameplay, the developers are raising the sauce.

The teasing around the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 doesn’t stop. While fans are feverishly awaiting a good big gameplay trailer, Insomniac Games promises (very) heavy for their new game.

PS5 exclusive Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 wants to impress everyone

Almost two years after its official announcement, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is still discreet. After a meager teaser, which nevertheless made the hearts of fans beat at full speed, we are still waiting for a release date and a real gameplay video. According to what is said, the next blockbuster of the PS5 will be available in September 2023.

So when is the official speech with extracts that send? If the planets are aligned, there’s no delay, and journalist Jeff Grubb is right, a massive State of Play, or PlayStation Showcase, would be held the last week of May. Either very soon. And obviously, players who follow Insomniac Games are not ready.

Speaking live on Twitch, Jon Paquette, Narrative Director at the studio, said the developers are working hard to make Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 their best game yet. An even crazier title than Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered and Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart.

I’m so excited for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Obviously, there’s not much I can say. But we’re working hard to try to make sure it’s the best game we’ve ever made. And we can’t wait to share it with you all.

Via Twitter.

Although very classic, the first part had already impressed its little world on PS4 by its execution. A safe bet for a franchise that has sold more than 33 million copies. Which includes the Miles Morales spin-off.

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered PC (crédits : Steam).

Multiverse, new technology and free surprise, the last details

Details about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 unfortunately aren’t very extensive. However, we do know that Venom, played by Tony Todd (Candyman from 1992) and his cavernous voice, will be there. As for the rest, we’re not going to lie to each other, it’s still extremely vague.

A leak from toymaker Hasbro, since denied by the company, certified that the multiverse would spice up this sequel. A damage control of the company after a little pat on the hand from Sony? Possible. But it’s just as possible that Hasbro was candid in their statement. Maybe we should find out during the PlayStation Showcase in May. Everything is still to be done.

During a previous interview, Elan Ruskin, lead engine programmer, however teased a new technology for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Something “cool” for the dialogues. Davison Carvalho, freelance concept artist at Marvel, should also bring his significant expertise to offer a very solid artistic direction. He has notably worked on the films Doctor Strange, Captain America: Civil War, Captain Marvel or Thor: Ragnarok. Flagship feature films from the MCU.

While waiting to be fixed on details, such as the release date, or to see gameplay, two surprises have recently been unveiled. A free prequel in comics to make the link between the two opuses, and the availability of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered in stand-alone version. Until now, it was only accessible by purchasing Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales Remastered. If you have the game on PS4, it is possible to pay 10 euros to get this graphical update.

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