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Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 release date revealed in advance

The actors definitely have a hard time holding their tongues. The interpreter of the great villain of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has just released the game’s release date on his social networks.

For Nintendo Switch players there’s Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, for those on PS5 there’s Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The sequel to the adventures of the Spinner and his protege is one of the most anticipated titles of this year. Since its announcement in 2021, the game has nevertheless been too discreet for the taste of fans. No new information, no gameplay shown, but that should change this summer. An actor indeed seems to have revealed the plans of Sony and Insomniac Games in advance.

A September release for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

This will undoubtedly be THE big PS5 exclusive of this year. Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is expected for this fall and the promotional machine should start in the months to come. Insomniac Games wanted to reassure fans that the game would show up when they were ready. According to Tony Todd, who will lend his voice to Venom, PlayStation plans to promote the title massively in August, suggesting a new PlayStation Showcase at this time. On his social networks, the actor goes even further and breaks his non-disclosure agreement by revealing the release date of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.

The appointment would then be given for September 2023, which corresponds to the release window advanced by Insomniac Games. As Tom Henderson notes, it could be that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 released at the same time as the famous PS5 with a detachable disc drive that would replace existing models during the same month. ” Hold your breath, you’re gonna need it “, adds the actor who gives a layer by specifying that the first advertising spots will also arrive in August according to what has been reported to him.

At present few details are known about Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, except that the game will be based on a brand new technology for dialogues that is still very mysterious. We will therefore have to wait until this summer to discover all the new gameplay features, but according to the interpreter of Peter Parker, the studio has seen things big. “JI can guarantee you that it is grandiose “, he said then. Still a little patience then, it happens.

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