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Mass Effect veteran Mac Walters is leaving Bioware

After spending two decades at Bioware, Mass Effect veteran Mac Walter now chooses to leave the company in search of new challenges. As a screenwriter, Walters was involved in several major projects and began his career at Bioware by working on Jade Empire before contributing his talents to Mass Effect and later becoming lead scriptwriter for the two sequels. On his LinkedIn page, he posted his farewell to the studio earlier today.

“These past 19 years have been a life-changing experience to say the least, and it made the choice to go very difficult,”

“I’ve worked with so many wonderful people and had the privilege to be a part of the most amazing teams and projects. It’s hard to fathom it all, and I know I’ll be reflecting on it for years to come.”

What exactly he will focus on in the future is unclear, but with his talent and work portfolio, we are convinced that he will land on both feet and we of course wish him all the best. Having said that, this is yet another talent that leaves an increasingly hollowed out and unrecognizable Bioware.

Do you think the studio will ever find its way back to its former glory days?

Sayonara! Now it’s off to new adventures.
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