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Mass: "You can fight against inflation and order spending without cooling the economy"

Sunday, January 8, 2023 | 11:49 a.m.

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, assured that the Gross Product of the year 2022 will be “well above 5%” and remarked that “you can fight against inflation and order spending without cooling the economy and proposing painful adjustments.”

“Inflation, to my liking, is still high,” said Massa in an interview with the newspaper Profile where he highlighted the results of the unification of areas such as Agriculture, Industry and Commerce under the same Ministry of Economy.

“Maintaining the activity level of product growth this year will be well above four points, the three and a half points that most economic consultants and international organizations projected for Argentina. Far above. It will be well above 5%,” he emphasized.

He also asserted that “we had growth in the level of activity compared to November of last year and against October, so it is possible to fight against inflation and order spending without cooling the economy and proposing painful adjustments.”

He specified that Argentina has a “historical 70%” of installed capacity in industrial parks, and that on average the level of activity “is above 68%.”

“The Argentine economy still has room to grow in consumption volumes, in production volumes,” said the minister to indicate that “this year” one of the main agenda items is “access to credit.”

In this sense, he pointed out: “It seems to me that what we are missing is a more aggressive policy for SMEs, and for the final consumer of credit.”

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