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Massa, forceful about the inmates in the Government: “Don’t you think that we already have many quilombos?”

After fervently rejecting the PASO, the minister acknowledged that “political order” is required, because “inflation demolished the income of the middle class”

By iProfessional

11/05/2023 – 16,50hs

Economy Minister Sergio Massa insisted that the Frente de Todos needs “political order” because it already not “one more quilombo enters”, when leading an act in Navarro. In his presentation, the head of the Palacio de Hacienda dedicated a good part of his speech to political definitions.

In the middle of the debate on whether there will be a STEP or a list of unity, the official demanded “political order, so that there is economic order.”

Massa, blunt against the political inmates: what did he say?

“Don’t you think we already have quilombos How to go around disturbing people’s lives with political fights? I believe that economic stability is key and for there to be stability there must be political order,” Massa emphasized with a speech in which he showed himself more as a candidate than as Minister of Economy, while announcing a series of tax relief measures for producers poultry and dairy.

Massa once again questioned those who, according to him, give “a sad spectacle showing their miseries on the radio or television, their fights for positioning”. “We are not getting into another quilombo, political order so that there is an economic order”, he insisted.

After saying on Tuesday that “it would be a very serious mistake” to define the ruling party’s candidate in a STEP and insisting on that idea this Wednesday when he said that one could not “wasting time in sterile inmates”, Massa repeated that “the fights policies have to take a backseat.

“When our society fights to maintain its consumption levels, to access the most important goods, when we have to face the fight to improve income, because we are aware that inflation demolished income of the middle class, it seems to me that political fights have to take a backseat. I invite those who were angry to reflect,” said Massa.


The Minister of Economy once again hammered at the idea of ​​not holding internships in the PASO instance next August, at a time of discussion and tussling in the Frente de Todos to decide if there will be one consensus candidate or several competing in the primaries .

Massa seeks a way to withdraw from the Government without causing a crisis

Economy Minister Sergio Massa assured that in the discussion with the IMF all issues are on the table and advocated discussing the candidacies within the ruling coalition and not in a STEP.

The head of the Palacio de Hacienda participated this Tuesday in a business meeting convened by the Argentine-American Chamber Amcham, where he considered that making public internal discussions in the Front of All is a “big mistake”, He again refused to talk about a candidacy in October and revealed that his decision is highly conditioned by the “family and the contexts also generate conditions.”

Although he later stated: “I want my coalition to continue to governbut I don’t want to start fighting about individual positioning issues, if that’s the fight, I prefer to watch from the side.”

“This of putting in a primary if the Government has differences seems to me a very serious error, because it generates uncertainty for the people,” warned Massa.

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