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Matuidi announces his retirement!

Blaise Matuidi hangs up his crampons. The former midfielder of the France team, 2018 world champion, announced this Friday the end of his football career.

Matuidi won the 2018 World Cup

3 lungs can finally take the time to breathe. Nicknamed for his endurance and generosity, Blaise Matuidi will in fact stop running on football fields. The 35-year-old midfielder announced on Friday that he was ending his professional career.

B. Matuidi – the time has come to say stop

Football, I loved you so much. Football, you have given me so much, but the time has come to say stop. I fulfilled my childhood dreams, my dreams as a man. It is with a tight throat but with pride that I turn this page today wrote the former French international on his social networks.

I’ve had extraordinary moments in my professional life, and also outside of it, but it’s time to draw the curtain , explains Matuidi in an interview agreement Bros. Stories. I keep a lot of memories, it will remain in my heart. I didn’t think I would have a sporting career like I was able to do. It is the moment that has arrived today to say stop. It’s a special moment, but now is the time.

A very good career

Passed by Troyes, Saint-Etienne, Paris SG, Juventus Turin and Inter Miami, where his contract ended on December 31, Matuidi can close a beautiful chapter in his life without regret. In his 18-year career, the native of Toulouse has won 21 trophies, including a World Cup with the French team, five French championships with PSG and three Italian championships with Juve.

A player with an atypical style, but still professional and generous on the pitch, the 2018 world champion now hopes to serve as a role model. What will motivate me in the coming months is to serve as an example for future generations, to inspire. Everything I did, I did for the love of football, in a very natural way. You get nothing for nothing, you have to give everything to get it, that’s what I want to convey. I can no longer transmit it on the pitch but I now intend to do so by word of mouth. An ambition worthy of his very fine career.

What does this end of Matuidi’s career inspire in you? How do you judge his career? Do not hesitate to react and discuss in the area add a comment

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