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Mauricio Macri ended a year with more prominence and begins 2023 with expectations for power

Mauricio Macri, at the presentation of his latest book

“I’m still in the same place. I’m not registered. I keep working”. she affirmed it Mauricio Macri last Friday when answering a question on LN+ about his possible candidacy. It was her last message of 2022, the year in which she recovered a strong role in opposition and felt claimed in his administration of government, above all because of the results shown by the Frente de Todos in power. What will this decisive 2023 hold for the former president? Their “second time” in the Pink House? A leadership condition that single custody of the policies that Together for Change will implement?

His definitions before the journalist Jonathan Viale were not strictly new, but they were significant at a time when the resolution of the PRO inmate is approaching. For example when ratified indirectly support the PASO to settle candidacies: “(In Together for Change) we are going to have competition. There are several listed. We have to work together because what needs to be built is enormous”. The warning that there will be injuries after the primaries leave winners and losers was even suggestive: “The task that lies ahead is so important that no one can feel angry if instead of a coach it is the scorer, the goalkeeper or the midfielder”.

It does not seem coincidental that Macri has provided this type of definition after get together in Buenos Aires with Patricia Bullrich Y Mary Eugenia Vidal and before meeting Horacio Rodriguez Larreta in the country Cumelén, in Villa La Angostura, Neuquén, the new PRO mecca where the party leaders who have aspirations to lead the country make a pilgrimage.

It may interest you: The PRO begins 2023 with the challenge of ordering the inmate in CABA: who is who in the Buenos Aires electoral labyrinth

Mauricio Macri and his family, in Villa La Angostura

What did Macri publicly ask of the presidential candidates of the opposition coalition? “Must have clear ideas, know what we are the change or we are nothing, that you cannot trade with any privilege or with any mafioso. you have to summon healthy people, who works as a team, most possible who have had government experience, which is an asset that Juntos por el Cambio has. They don’t have to practice goodness, as the person speaking to you practiced, and not simplify because you have to know that we are in a complex world, but full of opportunities,” said the former president.

In private, he gave another key message who reassured his interlocutors: gave them assurances that he would maintain his impartiality in the fight for the PRO presidential candidacy and that will not pronounce in favor of any of the party’s three candidates. That was the announcement that he left happy Bullrich when they met alone in Buenos Aires, shortly after the former head of state returned from Qatar. and it is same that Vidal and Rodríguez Larreta heard from him. The relief even registered, actually, because they don’t want a support either explicit de Macri: they seek to reach the Casa Rosada for their merits and not because the former president raised his hand to them.

Before leaving Cumelén, Macri will receive Bullrich again, who will return on January 18 from her vacation in Brazil and will travel immediately to Villa La Angostura to have her new meeting with the former president and, above all, the photo that will put her in a equal footing with Rodriguez Larreta.

Mauricio Macri and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta met in the south

The top leaders of the PRO will have a busy summer as a preamble to a decisive month of March, in which Macri promised his entourage that will finally clear all doubts about your candidacy. But in January and February, until around the 20th he returns to Buenos Aires, the former president plans to more political meetings Y lightning trips of proselytizing imprint, like the one he would go to Pinamar to talk to the neighbors and meet with the mayor Martín Yeza.

Bullrich will accommodate his schedule for the second half of January to visit Macri in Cumelén, but it is already defined that the first tranche of 2023 will be at the Chamamé Festival in Corrientes, on the Atlantic coast, Balcarce, Córdoba, Luján and Mercedes, while in february the campaign climate will not stop for a day: it will visit San Nicolás, Ramallo, San Pedro, the Artisans Fair in Colón, Entre Ríos; Viedma, Patagones, Las Grutas, Monte Hermoso, the La Chaya Festival in La Rioja, the Lincoln Carnival, the Sunflower Festival in Carlos Casares, the Confluencia Festival in Neuquén, the Carnival in Humahuaca, the Cosquín Rock in Córdoba and the Goat Cheese Festival in Salta.

Such an itinerary forced his advisers to desist to rent two buses to transport Bullrich as if he were a rock star on tour, so, in addition to air travel, he will move in two cars along with a small entourage to get everywhere on time. His idea is to be in contact with the people and not with the political leaders. Nor will it proclaim any candidate inside. The head of the PRO wants to be close to the voters, to such an extent that those close to her promise that chamamé will dance when you visit Corrientes on January 20. But it will extreme the “austerity” in his movements because he seeks differentiate the maximum possible of the style of Rodríguez Larreta: “We do not offer charges or contracts”, their operators maliciously affirm when pointing to the incorporation of Martin Redrado, Waldo Wolff, and Silvia Lospennato. and other figures to the Buenos Aires cabinet.

Patricia Bullrich and Alfredo Cornejo, the formula that will be announced in March?

For Rodriguez Larretathe move to reinforce your team in the city increased the image of a leader add more backups of leaders, even some who were not in tune with his moderate personality, as in the case of “hawk” Wolff. In addition, the announcement depicted the breadth with which he intends to govern if he reaches the Casa Rosada: in the Buenos Aires scaffolding will coexist personalities like Lospennato and Cynthia Hotton, whose positions on the legalization of abortion are in the Antipodes.

By adding to redrained, Beyond his experience as an economist, he also ran a risk: the appointment of the former president of the Central Bank was questioned by colleagues in space as Guido Sandleris, who held that position during the Cambiemos government, and Lucas Llach, Former Vice President of Banco Nación. But there is someone of greater internal weight than does not share Appointment: Macri. He told two of his relatives. The question is whether he also told Rodríguez Larreta himself.

In larretismo, some expected the head of government to ask him for a opinion to the former president in Cumelén about the new chats that were disseminated, and that Kirchnerism amplified to exhaustion, between the Buenos Aires Minister of Justice and Security, Marcelo D’Alessandro, and Silvio Robles, spokesman for the president of the Court, Horacio Rossati; Silvia Majdalani, former number two of the AFI, and Marcelo Violante, owner of Dakota, a haulage company contracted by the city of Buenos Aires.

Marcelo D’Alessandro, Minister of Justice and Security of CABA

D’Alessandro assured that the chats are fake (“there was hacking, manipulation and assembly”) and denounced the ultra-kirchnerista deputy in Justice Rodolfo Tailhade for illegal espionage. Rodriguez Larreta endorsed to come out to defend himself, while the minister maintained that he has his support. The head of government insisted that the issue is in the hands of Justice and answered with a evasion when Jorge Fontevecchia asked him in an interview in Perfil if he would put “hands on fire” by the official. Someone who deals privately with Rodríguez Larreta affirmed that he will not remove him from his position, but that he hopes that the Minister of Justice and Security “make the right decision”.

The times are accelerate for everyone in the PRO. The mayor of Buenos Aires prepares the launch of your candidacy for the second half of February or early March. The former Minister of Security does not think of any formal launch, but she already imagines the proclamation of its formula, seconded by a radical leader, for March. It will be the month in which Vidal will resolve his future and the same period in which Macri, with the latest polls in hand, will decide if you try or not return to government

The celebrated poet TS Elliot wrote that “April is the cruelest month, makes lilacs sprout in dead land, mixes memory and desire, removes slow roots with spring rain. It is logical that the maximum decisions of the PRO turn march in the cruelest month: what is at stake has no nothing to do with poetry but with the most decisive instances to return to power.

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