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Máximo Thomsen decompensated during the reading of the sentence and they evicted the courtroom

This Monday, February 6, the Criminal Court No. 1 of Dolores unanimously resolved to condemn the eight defendants for the murder of Fernando Baez Sosawhich occurred during the early morning of January 18, 2020, at the exit of a bowling alley in the seaside resort of Villa Gesell.

maximum thomsen, Cyrus Pertossi, Enzo Comelli, Matias Benicelli and Luciano Pertosi They were convicted of the crime of “doubly aggravated homicide with premeditation and treachery” and received life imprisonment.

While, Lucas Pertosi, Blas Cinalli and Ayrton Violaz They were found guilty of the crime of secondary participants in the murder and were sentenced to 15 years in prison.

After knowing the verdict maximum thomsen he fainted in the living room and had to receive medical attention. In addition, the reading of the verdict was interrupted for a few minutes and the courtroom was vacated.

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