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May 5: World Pulmonary Hypertension Day

The pulmonary hypertension It is a disease that is found within the so-called “rare diseases”, it is chronic and progressive, and affects between 15 and 50 people per million inhabitants. It can appear without an obvious cause and other times within a hereditary pattern.

Also may be associated with other disease conditions, such as being HIV positive, having rheumatological diseases, having cardiological pathologies, respiratory or liver diseases. These types of pulmonary hypertension are the least frequent and are usually more frequent in women, aged between 30 and 50 years.

Pulmonary hypertension is a disease that characterized by narrowing of the pulmonary arteries, What are the channels that carry blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs?where it is oxygenated and purified to re-nourish the tissues”, explains the Dr Eduardo BiondiOncologist and Medical Manager of Varifarma (MN 81175).

This narrowingor produces an incessant increase in pressure within those arterieswhich produces over time an overload of the right ventricle that leads to exhaustion and failure to function.

It is a serious picture It still has no cure, but there are treatments that prevent or delay its progression if it is detected early. “From Varifarma we accompany the patient in the treatment process with the development of Sustengo, a medicine that has the drug tadalafil as its active ingredient, indicated for pulmonary arterial hypertension that improves the quality of life and significantly reduces the deterioration caused by the disease” .

Some of the symptoms Characteristics of this pathology are: difficulty breathing, pain or pressure in the chest, acceleration in the heart rate, fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, fainting, cyanosis or blue coloration of the lips and skin, and inflammation in the ankles and legs. In turn, you can generate complications such as: bleeding, arrhythmias, heart failure due to enlargement of the right side of the heart, and blood clots.

For your prevention It is recommended to maintain a balanced diet, perform physical activity, avoid drug use, avoid the intake of appetite suppressant medications; and, if there is a family history of this disease, see a specialist doctor.

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