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Mayor Eric Adams’ trip to Rome ends

Mayor Eric Adams' trip to Rome ends

This Sunday was the last day of Mayor Eric Adams’ trip to Italy, who took advantage of his tour to visit a center for asylum seekers and other immigrants.

As the plight of newly arrived migrants remains a key issue here in the city, Adams scheduled a tour of a refugee center outside Rome to learn how Italy is handling its own influx of asylum seekers.

The mayor said he is impressed with how the Italian system quickly allows immigrants to start working and teaches them basic Italian language skills.

Adams promised to become seriously involved in international affairs. He further reported that he will develop regular communication with other mayors, and especially with authorities of other large cities such as Rome.

On the other hand, it is worth noting that the mayor met with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Saturday.

He then participated in an international conference called the “World Meeting on Human Fraternity,” which sponsored the mayor’s trip.


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