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Mayor says there will be weapons detectors in the subway

Mayor says there will be weapons detectors in the subway

Weapons detection scanners equipped with artificial intelligence will soon be coming to the subway, Mayor Eric Adams said.

The technology will be rolled out “in a few locations” over the “next few days,” Adams said during a press conference at Fulton Street Station.

For the past two years, Adams and police department officials have said they are considering installing detectors in subway stations.

Similar technology is used at venues like Yankee Stadium and Citi Field.


Adams did not specify where the technology would be deployed or which company would provide the equipment.

Meanwhile, Legal Aid Society attorney Diane Akerman criticized the initiative.

“New Yorkers want a safe, functioning subway system. These scanners will create inconvenience, adding congestion and delays to an already overburdened system,” Akerman said.

The organization also posted a message on social media about the mayor’s initiative, stating:

“Despite expert advice, Mayor Adams insists that a new gun detection system will make New York’s subways safer.

“The truth is that it will only add more delays and injustice to our journeys.

“Nobody has time for that,” the message reads.



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