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Mayotte: a hotel school to build a future

C. Rougerie, S. Guibout, E. Penot

France 3

France Televisions

In Mayotte, a high school student is training students in hotel trades. A great prospect for these young people, often in an irregular situation.

Discovering the world of the hotel business, the rules of service, the techniques of catering: a first for these young people from Mayotte, but more than for any other high school student, an opportunity to be seized. Near Mamoudzou, this versatile high school offers a unique chance to many of these students to build a future. “We discover the profession in depth so that later we can open our restaurant if we want”explains an apprentice.

The fear of the police

A long road strewn with obstacles. Most of these high school students are Comorians, sometimes without papers. They often have a poor command of French, making it difficult to understand the instructions. They also have to live with the fear of being arrested on the way to high school, like a young high school girl. “I don’t have any papers yet, but I filed at the prefecture.” Junior Mboiboi, who spent 20 years in metropolitan France, transmits his knowledge with passion and pride.

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