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Mayotte: a man suspected of being the leader of rioters arrested

At the end of 2022, violent riots, which had taken on the appearance of confrontations between different districts of the island, had required the intervention of the Raid.

The grip is important. As BFMTV learned this Sunday from a police source, a 38-year-old man, suspected of being the leader and logistician of the gangs of young rioters in Mayotte, was arrested on Saturday evening by the BAC in Mayotte.

Unfavorably known to justice

According to this same source, this 30-year-old is suspected of having provided money and logistical means to young delinquents participating in the riots which began last November in the 101st French department. They had taken on the appearance of confrontations between different districts of the island and had required the intervention of the Raid.

The man is already known to justice and was the subject of an arrest warrant, after being sentenced to seven years in prison for aggravated theft and forcible confinement.

Cécile Ollivier with Hugo Septier

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