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Mbappe: "I didn’t say they would sell me to Real Madrid"

Kylian Mbapp ha spoken exclusively with the Italian newspaper ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’ after notify PSG not to renew and of Respond to a news item from ‘Le Parisien’ on their social networks in which he reported his desire to go to Real Madrid this summer: “Lies. Increasingly bigger. I have already said that I will continue next season at PSG where I am very happy.”

Official statement from Mbapp: “I never discussed a renewal with PSG…”

“Mbapp’s truths: “I want to win, but there are shortcomings at PSG. Milan supports Berlusconi”titled the Italian newspaper his talk with the French PSG striker.

“I didn’t say that I wanted to be sold to Real Madrid or that I wanted to leave, just that I wouldn’t activate the additional year option (until 2025). With PSG there has never been talk of a renewal and I’m happy to continue for another year”, explains Mbapp to alessandro grandesso.

Mbapp in La Gazzetta dello Sport: “Messi did not receive the respect he deserved in France”

Mbapp broke a spear in favor of Leo Messi, “is one of the best players in the history of football” and stressed that “it is never good news that someone like Messi leaves”.

“I don’t quite understand why so many people were so relieved that he left. He didn’t get the respect he deserved in France,” Mbapp said of Leo Messi and his move from PSG to MLS Inter Miami.

Mbapp: “We need to start leaving the field when incidents of racism occur”

Kylian Mbapp shared his opinion on how footballers should act before episodes of racism in football: “We need to start leaving the field when racism incidents happen. Complaints are not enough. With Vinicius, it was great to see how the Brazilian Federation came out to defend it.”

Kylian Mbapp explains his love for Milan

Mbapp spoke in ‘La Gazzetta dello Sport’ about his particular affection for Milan: “My connection with Milan is special. As a child I had an Italian nanny and spent a lot of time with her family, all Milan fans. So thanks to them I also supported the Rossoneri and watched many Milan games”.

“My condolences to the Berlusconi family, it is a great loss for football. He has been an emblematic president who created a great Milan that made me dream of as a child. I hope the fans pay him a worthy tribute,” said Mbapp, remembering the recently deceased Silvio Berlusconi.

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