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Médéa: a drug trafficking network exploiting teenage girls dismantled

The services of the judicial police of the wilaya of Médéa have succeeded in putting an end to the activity of a criminal network which exploits underage girls for the trafficking of psychotropic substances among students and adolescents. Indeed, this operation is part of the fight against crime in all its forms. According to what the Arabic-speaking daily reports Ennahar it all started when a mother presented herself to the brigade in charge of the protection of vulnerable people at the level of the security service of the wilaya of Médéa.

And this, in the company of his minor daughter, educated in one of the educational establishments of the aforementioned city. In detail, the mother reported the exploitation of her teenage daughter by a person in the sale of psychotropic substances in educational establishments. Unfortunately, the girl in question was already a victim of drug addiction.

As a result, an investigation was opened immediately. In fact, drug addiction in the school environment is an alarming reality that affects many young people. Indeed, substance abuse can have devastating effects on the physical and mental health of students. As well as on their social and school life. In fact, making young people aware of the dangers of drug addiction and providing them with accurate information on the harmful consequences of the consumption of illicit substances is now essential.

One of the victims was placed in a drug addiction center

According to the same media source, the investigations made it possible to identify the identity of the suspect and his accomplice. Moreover, the security elements arrested the two accused. It should also be noted that the investigation led to the discovery of another minor victim. This is the girlfriend of the first victim.

After the completion of all legal procedures, the responsible departments established a criminal record against the two suspects. The latter have, in fact, been brought before the territorially competent judicial authorities. As a result, they were placed in a re-education and rehabilitation center. As for the victims, the aforementioned source shared that one of them was transferred to the drug addiction center.

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