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Media Molecule will end its live support for Dreams in September

Media Molecules Dreams received a lot of attention when it was released in 2020. It was a powerful game creation tool and led to tons of creations to download and play. But it seems it never took off commercially, despite positive reviews, and now Media Molecule is writing on their blog that they will soon end their live support for the title.

The studio pulled the plug on the game in September, writing:

“We know this won’t be an easy message for everyone to hear, and it’s certainly not been an easy decision – Dreams has been a special project for Media Molecule and helping this burgeoning community of game developers, tinkerers, creatives, collaborators and dreamers grow and express themselves remains one of the best things we’ve ever done.”

They also explain that they would love to keep improving and adding more content to Dreams, but that it just wasn’t financially viable in the end:

“Whilst we’ve always had the desire to build on the foundation of Dreams and expand the experience, when reviewing our plans we were not able to define a sustainable path.”

You’ll still be able to play and create for Dreams even after September, but we shouldn’t expect new content or support from Media Molecule who will instead move on to a new project, something they are “incredibly excited” over.

What are your best memories from Dreams?

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