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Mediation Algeria – Morocco: Tebboune remains categorical

The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune gave an interview to the French daily “Le Figaro”, during which several points were reviewed.

One of the topics discussed was Algeria’s relations with neighboring Morocco. Indeed, during the interview, the journalist from Le Figaro, asked the Head of State a question about these relations with President Putin. In response to the latter, Abdelmadjid Tebboune chose to reiterate the position of the Algeria as a non-aligned country, evoking the fact that “It would be good if the UN does not only condemn the annexations that are taking place in Europe”, he goes on to ask: “What about the annexation of the Golan by Israel or of Western Sahara by Morocco?

From this answer, the journalist continues and questions the Head of State, on the fact that this would be the reason for the rupture of all contact between Algiers and Rabat.

Tebboune responds by saying that this rupture is due to “an accumulation of problems since 1936 and the aggression of Moroccan special forces to take part of our territory in the far south”. Stating that this break makes it possible to avoid war, and that no country “can pose as a mediator between us. He continues by pointing the finger at “the perpetual hostile acts of the neighbor” which according to him gave rise to the closing of the borders for 40 years, out of the 60 years of Algeria’s independence. In addition, the President of the Republic also points the finger at Morocco’s “responsibility”. “It’s the Moroccan regime that is causing the problems,” he said.

Tebboune praises the performance of the Moroccan national team during the 2022 World Cup

To close the Moroccan file, the journalist of the French-speaking daily, launched “Have you applauded the good performance of Moroccans at the Football World Cup?”, Abdelmadhid Tebboune replied: “Of course! Moroccans have honored Arab football and especially Maghreb football. They also applauded us when we won the African Cup of Nations”.

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