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Medicines purchased at pharmacies are not tax deductible

Medicines included in bills for hospitalization are included in the heading of deductions for medical expenses. In other words, medicines purchased in pharmacies are not tax deductible, so you have to be careful.

Juan Beltrán Ávila, member of the fiscal development commission 3 of the College of Public Accountants of Mexico, told El Economista that medicines purchased in pharmacies are not tax deductible, which creates confusion among taxpayers when filing taxes. .

In this sense, the interviewee explained that the medicines purchased in hospital pharmacies and that are included in the bill for hospital expenses are deductible.

In addition to the medicines included in bills for hospitalization, medical fees, consultation with the dentist and treatments can be deducted; psychology and nutrition services; medical expenses for incapacity or disability; hospital expenses; clinical analysis, laboratory studies or prostheses; purchase or rental of devices for restoration or rehabilitation; fees to nurses; and graduated optical glasses (up to an amount of 2,500 pesos).

That said, in the description of the service or use found in the Internet Digital Fiscal Receipt (CFDI) it must say dental for hospital expenses or medical expenses due to incapacity or disability so that the payment can be duductible and not is rejected by the Tax Administration Service, in agreement with the member of the accountants’ union.

People know what deductions to enter into the system, but they do have to be very careful with regard to the use of CFDI and the means of payment because if personal deductions are not included in the CFDI use section, such as medical expenses, the authority will not will take them into account,” he said.

Card payments

At the same time, to be able to deduct the medical expense, the payment does not have to be made in cash. That is, the payment must be made through financial means such as cards, checks in the name of the taxpayer, electronic funds transfers, among others.

“Although the payment has been made by credit card, the taxpayer must take special care that whoever issues the invoice correctly puts the means of payment,” he mentioned.

Make the statement on time

Likewise, the member of the fiscal development commission mentioned that the application to present the 2022 annual declaration is working in the best way and there is no situation that complicates the presentation of tax payments.

It should be noted that the 2022 annual declaration of natural persons will end on May 2 since April 30 is a non-business day and May 1 is a holiday.

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