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MEF will announce a new downward revision of the growth of the economy in 2023

MEF will announce a new downward revision of the growth of the economy in 2023
According to the IMF, Peru would grow for the second consecutive year below the average for Latin American countries. Photo: composition Infobae/Andina
Peruvians consider that S / 3,846 would be the minimum salary necessary to live comfortably. (Andean)

“Due to this persistent weakness, the IPE once again cuts its GDP forecasts for 2023 and 2024, in a highly uncertain environment due to potential weather anomalies that could negatively affect activity,” the IPE indicates in its analysis article.

Peruvian Institute of Economy indicates that the Peruvian economy would grow only 0.8% by the end of 2023. Photo: Andina.
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