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Mélenchon congratulates Darmanin on the dissolution of the far-right group Bordeaux Nationaliste

The rebel calls for “continuing attempts to reconstitute dissolved leagues”, after the Minister of the Interior dissolved the far-right group on Wednesday.

“Congratulations to Mr. Darmanin”. The message addressed to the Minister of the Interior is signed Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The leader of insubordinate France (LFI) welcomes the choice of the boss of Place Beauvau to dissolve the “Bordeaux Nationalist” group, indicating that it “attacked our meeting on the spot”.

The triple presidential candidate calls for “continuing and pursuing attempts to reconstitute dissolved leagues”. “Bordeaux Nationaliste”, a far-right group from Bordeaux, is accused of the involvement of its members in “acts of violence in meetings and degradation” as well as “brawls” against “anti-fascist activists”.

“Iconic personalities of the collaboration”

According to the decree pronouncing its dissolution, there is mention of “strategy of recruiting new members by exalting the use of violence” and the “regular organization of gatherings in tribute or in support of ultra-right groups or emblematic personalities of co-operation”.

In addition to this dissolution, Gérald Darmanin announced another this Wednesday, that of the group “Les Alerteurs”, based in Aude and advocating radical Islam.

According to its decree of dissolution, the association “Les Alerteurs” is accused of “conveying an anti-republican and radical ideology inviting to revolt and violence by suggesting that the coup d’etat would be a mode of action to be favored against the French government” and to disseminate conspiracy theses.

In addition to an anti-Semitic and homophobic discourse, the association is also criticized for “minimizing” the attacks that have hit France and tending “to justify them in the name of blasphemy”.

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