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Melissa Paredes highlights Ale Venturo and Anthony Aranda: “It’s nice to have their support”

Melissa Paredes highlights Ale Venturo and Anthony Aranda. instagram

Melissa Paredes lives a new stage in his life, where the union with Rodrigo Cuba It is the most important thing to make your daughter happy. However, he points out that in order to reach a decision, they have had to go through and suffer terrible experiences, such as being away from their little girl. Today, the relationship is much more cordial, where their partners play an important role.

Although it is true they are not great friends, the actress has a good bond with ale venturo, the current partner of her ex-husband. For her part, Anthony Aranda He has shown that he is ready for everything to continue in peace, for the good of the little girl.

“Both couples support us, we all seek the best for the little girl. I think that’s nice, to have that support, that maturity of both (Ale and Anthony), and that learning as parents was a matter of time,” Melissa Paredes told infobaealso noting that she and Rodrigo Cuba They have matured as parents.

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“We too as parents have matured, so many things that unfortunately happened, made us open our eyes and wake up, and tell us if we don’t join, nobody is going to. Sometimes the blows of life happen for a reason. We have learned that she will always come first,” she said.

As you remember, the actress was invited to the ‘D’Mañana’ program, where she did not hesitate to defend Ale Venturo de Metiche, for saying that she got pregnant “very quickly”.

“It is that many people think that I speak of empowerment only for my subject, it is not so. It bothers me in general, that they say that the woman is always to blame, I speak not only for myself, but for all women. Here they always blame the woman, that if she cheats on you it’s because you didn’t know how to value it, any excuse, that if she gets pregnant it’s your fault, because you should have taken care of her. Why not say that man also has to take care of himself and he has several methods to do it? I defend her because he is a woman and she is not the only one responsible for everything. In my opinion, I feel that this type of criticism is not appropriate”, remarked the former host of ‘América Hoy’.

Melissa Paredes defended Ale Venturo’s pregnancy | Pan American TV

Asked if Ale Venturo thanked him for that gesture, Melissa Paredes responded to infobae that he is not looking for it, and they did not talk about it either.

“I have seen her as I always see her, but we have not talked about this topic, we really do not talk about it. It is an opinion that comes to me as a woman, as a human being, I am not looking for thanks from anyone. I would do it for her and for all women,” he said.

It may interest you: Melissa Paredes defended Ale Venturo for getting pregnant “quickly” by Rodrigo Cuba

This Christmas 2022 was different for Melissa’s daughter, as she was able to enjoy December 24 with both families, far from fights and disagreements: a few hours at the house of Rodrigo Cuba, and the following in the home of the actress. It should be remembered that the ex-partner lives relatively close.

“As parents we are making a great team, I think we both understood that we have to come together, just as parents! For the well-being of the little girl, which is what we love most in this world. We have already had enough problems due to being disunited, we have understood that we must work together to make her happy, ”she concluded.

This was the good night of Melissa Paredes and Rodrigo Cuba with their daughter. instagram


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