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Meloni calls for security guarantees for Ukraine ahead of the NATO summit

Meloni calls for security guarantees for Ukraine ahead of the NATO summit

in four days the western countries have an appointment in Vilna vitally important. the summit of the Atlantic Alliance is especially relevant when the war in Ukraine It’s already a year old. In this framework, the military organization has doubled its border with Russiawelcoming Finland and urgently awaits the entry of Sweden.

From next week’s meeting, it is expected that the extension of the mandate of the current Secretary General of the Alliance will finally be approved, Jens Stoltenbergwhat Türkiye y Hungary raise the stockholm veto and, lastly, that the Atlantic Alliance offer security guarantees Ukraine.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Melonia few days before the summit has insisted, from Poland and with his counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki, that adopting now “an attitude of passivity would be extremely dangerous.” Thus, Melons announced that the security guarantees for Ukraine will be announced at the summit of Vilna.

Italian politics stressed that it was necessary to deliver “new and modern weapons” to kyiv and continue “as long as necessary” with the supply of weapons and ammunition, as well as making explicit political support for the government of Volodymyr Zelensky “at the next NATO summit”.

In this same vein, he pronounced Morawieckiwhose country has been the greatest ally of Ukraine and the most belligerent with Russia. Both countries also share the same vision regarding the issue of immigration and showed a common front before the asylum policy of the European Union.

Italy and Poland, against immigration

The European Union it has been proposed to modify the asylum law. A new legislation that has created discomfort among some Member States such as Poland, Hungary o Italia who refuse to, since Brusselsthey are imposed an immigrant quota or, if they refuse, a fine of up to 20,000 euros per refugee.

From the Polish capitalso much Melons as Morawiecki have criticized the EU migration policy. The Italian Prime Minister assured that the position of Roma y warsaw is “basically the same: we want to stop illegal immigration.” The harmony between both countries is such that, in the words of Melonsin the European Councils “one look is enough” to understand each other.

His Polish counterpart shared the same sentiments, declaring his willingness to “understand the position of Italia that the external borders (of the EU) are protected as firmly as possible’, which, he noted, is also the position of Poland.

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