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Meloni pays a restaurant bill for four Italian tourists in Albania who left without paying

Meloni pays a restaurant bill for four Italian tourists in Albania who left without paying

Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloniassured today that she “personally” paid the bill that a group of Italians left unpaid in an Albanian restaurant because she felt “ashamed” after her Albanian counterpart, edi ramaI told him what happened.

Meloni, who has spent a few days on vacation in that country, explained that there Rama “told him the story of four Italians who they ran away from a local restaurant without paying the check. The owner of the restaurant, after the images of the escape went viral, said that he was still happy because our compatriots ate well and were happy ».

«Gave me shame, because the Italy that I want to represent is not a nation that is talked about abroad for these things, that does not respect the work of others, that thinks it is fun to deceive others. So I decided to ask the ambassador to go and settle the account, which I paid myself. Nothing serious, in fact, I didn’t even mention it, “he wrote on his social media.

But, he added, “even this has created controversy in Italy, from an opposition that obviously prefer another image of Italy. I’m sorry because I hoped that at least on something so trivial we could all agree.”

Specifically, according to the ambassador to the newspaper La Stampa, what Meloni told him was “go pay the bill for those idiots».

This Friday, the Italian Embassy in Albanian He explained in a statement that, at Meloni’s indication, “the account has been settled” because “Italians respect the rules and settle their debts. We hope that episodes like this will not be repeated.

The case spread rapidly on various social networks, after the restaurant published images of a group of four Italian tourists who had escaped from a restaurant in the town of berat without paying the bill of about 80 euros.

Albania, separated from Italy by the narrow sea Adriatichas become one of the favorite destinations for Italian tourists.

In fact, recently Branch He has ironized this reversal of trend, comparing the Italian tourist exodus to the Albanian coasts with the march of thousands of Albanian immigrants to Italy at the beginning of the 1990s, after forty years of Enver Hoxa’s communist regime.

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