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Mentalized in 2023: Colo Colo players celebrated the arrival of the New Year

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The Colo Colo players took advantage of social networks to share the intimacy of their family celebrations, focused on the sporting objectives for this new start of the year.

© instagramColo Colo players celebrated psyched up in 2023.

And 2023 arrived. A new year, a new beginning and with the same objectives for Colo Colo for the following season. The albos will have the shower to look for their two-time championship in the Super Cup and in the National Championshipin addition to improving sportingly what was done in the Libertadores Cup Y Chilean Cup.

Colo Colo players celebrated the arrival of 2023.

Through social networks the players of Colo Colo They shared some images of what were the intimate celebrations in the company of their respective families with the arrival of this new year 2023.

The most experienced of the first team as Maximilian Falcon They took the joy of sharing a few words with their followers. “Happy New Year to everyone, we wish you the best, that you have finished well and achieved each of your goals and if not, life goes on, success for this 2023, fight for your goals that sooner or later reach those who seek them! Have a nice night, health to all.

But he was not the only one, since the goalkeeper Brian Cortes followed in his footsteps. “This 2022 is leaving, a beautiful year, with ups and downs, but always positive and convinced in everything. Thank God and especially my family for always being present. Happy New Year, have a great 2023”.

However, the club’s homegrown players did not want to be left behind in celebrating the arrival of this new year. players like Dylan Portilla, Vicente Pizarro, Bruno Gutierrez and Joan Cruz They also shared some words regarding these celebrations.

“Great 2022, 2023 will be even better” Portilla published, while Gutiérrez contemplated “Closing a 2022 of much learning… Let’s go for a great 2023”. On the other hand, Joan wrote “Happy New Year, another year together my love”and, finally, Pizarro contemplated “Thank you 2022… Let’s go with everything 2023”.

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