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MEPs call for global summit on artificial intelligence

MEPs are calling for a global summit with US President Joe Biden and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on the topic of “Dangers posed by artificial intelligence”. The aim must be to agree on guiding principles for the development, control and use of very powerful AI systems, according to an open letter published on Monday. In view of the rapid development of powerful “artificial intelligence” (AI), considerable political attention is needed.

The letter is signed by members of the Christian Democrats, Social Democrats, Liberals, Greens and EKR. Negotiations on comprehensive rules for the use of AI are already well advanced at EU level. The new regulations aim to ensure that AI systems are secure and that fundamental rights are respected.

The MEPs do not agree with the call for a six-month moratorium on the training of very advanced AI systems. This was recently collected by numerous researchers and entrepreneurs. While MEPs share some of the concerns expressed, they disagree with some “alarmist” statements.

The text machine ChatGPT, Google’s competitor software Bard and programs that can generate images based on text descriptions are currently causing a stir. There is concern that their skills could be used to produce and spread misinformation. The Italian data protection authority has blocked the AI ​​service ChatGPT from Microsoft partner OpenAI in Italy.

From EU dept. Dragoş Tudorache published screenshot, page 1

From EU dept. Dragoş Tudorache published screenshot, page 2


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