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Mercato: Marcus Thuram has made his decision

Courted by Chelsea on this winter transfer window, striker Marcus Thuram has chosen to stay at Borussia Mnchengladbach until the end of his contract at the end of the season.

Marcus Thuram will end the season with M’Gladbach.

It was one of the serials of this winter transfer window. At the end of the contract next June and not going to extend, Marcus Thuram (25 years old) was he going to leave Borussia Mnchengladbach in January?

Despite statements to the contrary, his club was not necessarily closed to this scenario, which allowed him to pocket 10-15 million euros rather than settle for a free start at the end of the season.

chelsea fail

And precisely, it is not a secret, Chelsea, taken in full spending spree and in search of a new number, showed itself very interested, with initiated contacts. However, the French international will not join the Blues. In any case, not on this transfer window! This Wednesday, Foot Mercato indeed revealed that the 3rd top scorer in the Bundesliga (10 goals) rejected the advances of the London club and chose to end the season with his current formation in order to leave free in June.

This is an altogether logical and judicious choice for the former Sochaux player, aware that he will be able to take advantage next summer of his free player status to attract even more suitors and negotiate a bigger signing bonus. . Moreover, the Chelsea track is not necessarily buried for the summer transfer window, but the Blues will face increased competition.

big competition

The vice-world champion has also attracted Inter Milan, which has already initiated contacts, Manchester United, Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain. Indeed, even if he is looking for a right winger this winter, nothing says that the PSG will not try his luck next summer, the sports adviser Luis Campos appreciating the profile of the Habs. Until then, we can count on the son of Lilian Thuram to continue piling up the goals and increase his rating. He will also be keen to bring his club, currently 8th in the Bundesliga, up to the European places…

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