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Mercato: Textor puts on the overalls to sign Joao Gomes in Lyon!

Eager to strengthen their midfield, Olympique Lyonnais have started discussions to recruit Flamengo player Joao Gomes. While the Brazilian would like to join England, the owner of OL John Textor is involved in the file to convince him to come to France.

Joao Gomes is targeted by Lyon this winter

Ninth in Ligue 1 after 19 days, Olympique Lyonnais is going through another difficult season despite the ambitions displayed last summer following the recruitment of Alexandre Lacazette and Corentin Tolisso in particular. If the victory in the Coupe de France against Chambry (3-0) offered a breath of fresh air to Gones, there is still a long way to go up the rankings and hope to grab a European place at the end of the exercise.

To achieve this, OL intends to strengthen its workforce in this winter transfer window. For several days, recruitment director Benot Cheyrou has been trying to sign Flamengo midfielder Joao Gomes (21). Described in his country as a technical and cantankerous midfielder, the Brazilian would bring his aggressiveness in the midfield and his ability to get into the game to facilitate Lyon’s transitions.

Joao Gomes prefers England

Problem, the player is currently not totally thrilled by a transfer to Lyon and would rather join the Premier League, where Wolverhampton has made an offer of 15 million euros (+ 2 M € bonus). For their part, OL made a higher offer (€17m + €2m in bonuses) but must therefore convince the U20 international to hope to complete a transfer to France, which is favored by the president of Flamengo, Rodolfo Landim .

Faced with this situation, John Textor decided to roll up his sleeves. Thus, as reported by the Brazilian media Globo, the new owner of OL, who also owns the Brazilian club Botafogo, used his connections in Brazil to go to the Ninho do Urubu training center in order to convince the player that a start in L1 would be a better choice for his career. It remains to be seen whether his speech will be convincing enough to push Joao Gomes to settle down between Rhne and Sane.

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