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Merlo: for the murder of a two-year-old baby, her mother and her partner are arrested

The forensic study carried out on the girl revealed the presence of blows in different parts of the body, which led to the arrest of the couple for the crime of “homicide aggravated by the relationship”, the informants added.

The event happened on Wednesday of last week, but it became known today after the arrest of the couple, made up of Milagros Esther Torres (22) and Darío Eduardo Chamorro (26), accused of the murder of Milena Natasha Sena Torres (2). According to the sources, her mother transferred her daughter to the Malvinas Argentinas hospital in Merlo, where the baby arrived lifeless.

According to the woman, the day before the girl had fallen out of bed, although she believed that it was not necessary for a doctor to see her, until the next day, in the afternoon, she saw that she began to vomit and convulse, for which reason that he decided to take her urgently to the hospital, where she was admitted dead, the spokesmen said. The doctors who assisted her observed that the girl had a bruise on her face on the right side and another on her abdomen, for which reason Justice was intervened, which requested an autopsy operation.

Thus, it was determined that the baby had a head injury with bleeding, a bladder ulcer with liver damage, abdominal trauma with liver injury, and a fissure in the tibia of the right leg for approximately one month.

Notified of the result of the autopsy, the prosecutor Adriana Suárez Corripio, in charge of the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 8 of Morón, ordered an emergency search of the family home located on José Ingenieros street at 1200 in the town of Mariano Acosta, in Merlo.

The mother of the victim and her partner were arrested at that address, who refused to testify when they were investigated for “homicide aggravated by the relationship”, after which the prosecutor Suárez Corripio requested their formal arrests in the framework of the case. Meanwhile, the prosecutor continues with the work of receiving testimonies from the victim’s relatives as well as expertise in the house where the events occurred.

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