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Messi: “I always dreamed of this moment, of being able to celebrate with you”

On a dream night for the world champions, the 2-0 victory over Panama was an excuse to meet again with the 83,000 fans who were present at the Más Monumental. After the victory, where the captain of the National Team converted his 800th goal in his professional career, he offered a few words and ended up raising the cup.

First of all, thank you all for the love we have been receiving. We said a long time ago that we were going to do everything possible to win a World Cup“Lionel said.

He also excitedly assured: “I always dreamed of this moment, of being able to celebrate with you, being able to come to my country to lift a Copa América, a World Cup. It’s the biggest thing there is“.

In addition, in the epilogue of the party he mentioned: “I do not want to forget all the colleagues who passed and who also gave everything to achieve it. They deserve the respect and recognition of all the Argentine people”. To close, Messi clarified: “It was shown that it is very difficult to achieve this, it depends on many things. Sometimes for small details it escapes. Let’s enjoy the third star!“.

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