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Meta: This Is Why Mark Zuckerberg Hired Employees To Do Nothing

Want to work in a giant like Meta It can be anyone’s dream. A multiplatform company, with dozens of brands, with hundreds of departments to create and develop ideas. Interestingly, even if I could dedicate part of the payroll to programming, design or art talents, Mark Zuckerberg hired employees to do nothing. Literally.

As he recalls a report published on the website of Computer Hey, in recent months Meta has laid off a huge number of workers, a wave associated with the global economic crisis at technology giants. This situation has served for many of the dismissed people to talk about their experiences.

Although there is a bit of touching, what has attracted attention are the statements of some former employees who were hired to do nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all, both on Facebook and Instagram. It seems to make no sense, but something has.

Why did they hire employees to do nothing?

In context, the framework in which these contracts were carried out had been driven by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and its variants, which gave rise to the use of social networks, favoring the exponential growth of Meta that later did not know how to maintain

What Zuckerberg’s company behind Facebook and Instagram was looking for was to capture the talent of the rest of the companies, that is, to get the workers of other companies to bet on Meta and leave their current jobs.

Some people confessed that they had to fight to find tasks to performsince most of the time they did not have any type of work, which ended up causing a feeling of frustration.

There is an enormous amount of testimonials that have been collected by The Wall Street Journalalthough they can also be found on TikTok under the hashtag “metalayoffs”.

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