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Metal detectors (weapons) in some metro stations

Metal detectors (weapons) in some metro stations

Weapon detection technology is already being used in some subway stations as part of a pilot program.

These are scanners that use artificial intelligence to detect any traveler carrying a weapon or a metallic object that resembles one.

As part of the process, travelers are asked to check their bags and then pass through detectors, before crossing the turnstiles.

Those who refuse will have to go to another entry point.

Detectors will be placed at different points in the metro without prior notice.

In a social media post about the launch of the new scanners, Deputy Commissioner for Operations Kaz Daughtry wrote, among other things:

“These newly adopted state-of-the-art scanners can differentiate between firearms and everyday items. They will enable precision policing. They will help our diligent officers keep New Yorkers safe… The future of policing is here in New York City.”

The mayor said the initiative is aimed at keeping New Yorkers safe and is perfectly legal. He added that it is a way to leverage technology to prevent shootings on the transportation system.

The scanners are made by a company called Evolv.

The technology used is controversial, having been scrutinized by federal regulators and the subject of multiple lawsuits in recent years.

The New York Civil Liberties Union and the Legal Aid Society issued a joint statement saying they will sue the city over its use.


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