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Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake: the release date is clarified!

Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake could finally be unveiled later than expected, unfortunately for fans.

Series Metal Gear Solid seems to have stalled since the release of Metal Gear Solid 5 : The Phantom Pain. Le spin-off Metal Gear Survivereleased a few years later, marks a breaking point between some of the fans of MGS and Konami. Hideo Kojima, the mastermind behind the series, is now at the head of his own studio, so Konami finds itself with a gem in its hands… But perhaps without really knowing what to do with it. Rather than offering new games, the Japanese firm seems to be choosing to update the MGS of yesteryear. A remake of the first Metal Gear Solid would be in preparation. same for me Metal Gear Solid 3. The latest rumors echoed an official announcement of Big Boss’s return to E3. Bad news, you will certainly have to take your troubles patiently…

Metal Gear Solid 3 remake finally absent at E3

Some time ago, the British media VGC indicated that Konami would certainly reveal Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake at E3, the biggest show dedicated to video games in the world. A remake developed by Virtuose Games, a Chinese studio specializing in ports. Unfortunately, Konami would have reviewed its plans since… always according to VGC. On Twitter, the site’s editor, Andy Robinson, reveals the latest information in his possession.

The MGS3 Remake is now a 2024 title and there are always talks around re-releases of MGS games. The E3 window was their marketing plan, last I heard of it.

Bad news for those who hoped to quickly find Big Boss in Russia. Of course, it is still necessary to take Andy Robinson’s words with a grain of salt.

MGS 3, a cult game in more ways than one

As a reminder, Metal Gear Solid 3 : Snake Eater puts you in control of Naked Snake. The disciple of The Boss finds himself in Russian lands to rescue Dr. Sokolov, a specialist in nuclear weapons. As in every main episode of MGS, it won’t be that simple. Reversal of situations, a host of cult characters and unforgettable boss fights are on the menu in MGS 3. This opus also introduces an endurance system. Snake must hunt and collect supplies to keep this gauge close to the maximum and thus remain in full possession of his abilities. It is also necessary to treat each of its wounds (by bullet, burn or illness) with an appropriate treatment.

Metal Gear Solid 3, released in 2004, would therefore return as a remake 20 years after its release if Andy Robinson’s words are confirmed. No, the fashion for remakes shouldn’t run out of steam anytime soon. For the greatest happiness of some and the misfortune of others.

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