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Metal Gear Solid: Hideo Kojima confides in the invention of the CODEC

Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear Solid series, talks about a revolutionary mechanic in the saga.

When released on PS1 in September 1998 in Japan (February 1999 in France) Metal Gear Solid hits the market hard. The game offers many groundbreaking mechanics and gameplay components. Players had never had the opportunity to hide in a box to avoid enemies or smoke to avoid infrared rays. Its extremely complex scenario and its staging worthy of the 7th art make Metal Gear Solid a legendary game. His ability to break the 4th wall (special dedication to Psycho Mantis) remains unforgettable. Ideas from the brain behind the series Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima. The whimsical Japanese creator often confides small crisp anecdotes on the development of the games of the license. This time, he talks about the genesis of the CODEC. An essential radio communication tool present in all Metal Gear Solid.

On Twitter, Hideo Kojima never misses an opportunity to promote his work. A character trait that annoys some, but that fans love. On March 31, Hideo Kojima explained why and how the CODEC, which allows you to communicate by radio with your allies in MGS, had come into being.

The radio communication system was one of my greatest inventions. Players infiltrate enemy territory alone. In team infiltration, it is difficult to control NPCs. So I thought it would be possible to accompany the player only by voice. And also to introduce an underlying story by radio. This is a specificity that was imagined 36 years ago, based on special forces technology and specifications of the time. Today it is now used as a no-brainer.

Hideo Kojima always goes further in innovation

It is true that in Metal Gear Solid, the radio discussions are not limited to a simple sharing of information concerning the current mission. The characters confide, which gives rise to deep and touching exchanges. This is particularly true in Metal Gear Solid 2when Raiden and Rose are chatting thanks to the CODEC.

As usual, this intervention by Hideo Kojima makes people react. The wording “one of my greatest inventions” should make its detractors sigh. The Japanese, who is currently working on Death Stranding 2, does he plan to introduce revolutionary features of the same ilk as the CODEC in his next game? Difficult to imagine the opposite knowing Hideo Kojima.

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