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Metallica 2023: Bassist Rob Trujillo on anger, pressure and ego issues

Big band, big egos…

Metallica is one of the most successful bands of all time. A few days ago, the old, venerable metal gentlemen released a new album – 72 SEASONS – and in the course of it ignited a real promo turbo. In one of the numerous interviews on radio, internet and television, bassist Rob Trujillo (58) now chats out of the box.

Trujillo joined the band in 2003. He was previously on stage with Ozzy Osbourne (74). But the permanent position in the most successful metal band in the world was not like being knighted, but more like marrying into royalty.

This is exactly what Trujillo talks about on the Groove — The No Treble Podcast. “Metallica is a family. I inherited a family. I inherited new brothers. As most people know, when you join a band — especially a band like this — you have a responsibility.”

Rob Trujillo was also in Berlin at Alexanderplatz for the autograph session for the album promotion

Photo: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

That also builds up pressure, as the bassist knows: “It’s one thing to be able to play. Of course you have to be able to play your instrument. You have to have faith in you and you have to perform. There is all that. But at the same time, as a family member, you have to be able to respond to the personalities.”

Big egos at Metallica

And that’s where it gets interesting! Because Trujillo tells here that big egos are at work. And the cohesion of the band sometimes hangs by a thread. “Everyone in Metallica is very, very different. We are definitely not the same. So it’s a lot about communication and how we solve things,” Trujillo said.

He continued, “And sometimes you catch yourself pissed off — and you have to navigate the terrain of personalities like you would your own family.”

The solution? “What is really important at the same time is support. You have to know when one of your brothers is in trouble and how to help him. All of that comes with being in a band like Metallica.”

In the interview, Trujillo also talks about the special personal challenge for him: he actually sees himself artistically as a songwriter, not just as a bass player.

Rob Trujillo (left) and Metallica frontman James Hetfield

Photo: Brittany Newman/dpa

But he has no say in Metallica, which can be frustrating. Because only one person should have the ideas: the guitarist James Hetfield (59).

Since Trujillo has to take back. So he remains the little brother in his new family for the time being…

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