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Meteorologists monitor 4 areas of low pressure in the Atlantic

Meteorologists monitor 4 areas of low pressure in the Atlantic

MIAMI.- The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) monitors this Friday four low-pressure systems formed in the Atlantic basin, one of which has a high chance of becoming a tropical depression in the next 48 hours.

According to a morning bulletin from the meteorological center, a large area of ​​low pressure located a few hundred kilometers west of the African islands of Cape Verde has “proper environmental conditions” that would allow it to become a tropical depression this weekend or early next week.

This system, which has a 60% chance of becoming a depression in the next two days, produces heavy rains and storms, and moves west-northwest at about 16 kilometers per hour (km/h).

It also produces disorganized showers and thunderstorms, a “elongated low pressure trough” located between Cape Verde and the Lesser Antilles, although it presents medium possibilities of becoming a tropical depression in the coming days in view of the forecast of shear winds in the area.

The NHC meteorologists are also monitoring a low area to the east-southeast of the Lesser Antilles that is moving at about 24 km/h in a northwesterly direction, although for now it has a low chance (30%) of developing into a cyclone in the next few 48 hours.

On the other hand, next week a large area of ​​low pressure could form to the west of the Gulf of Mexico from “an area of ​​climatic disturbance” that is currently north of the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic).

Once it reaches the Gulf this system will have a “slow builder” as it approaches the west coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the middle of next week.

Hurricane season in the Atlantic basin runs from June 1 to November 30.

So far, five tropical storms have formed and one of them, Don, became a category 1 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson intensity scale last July, out of a maximum of five.

In an update released on August 10, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) increased its forecast for this year and predicted a hurricane season in the Atlantic “above normal”, with the formation of between 14 and 21 tropical storms, of which between 6 and 11 would be hurricanes.

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