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Metro CDMX today March 27: delays on lines B, 2 and 9

Slow progress continues on Line B, from Good view to Aztec City. Users report a lack of trains and crowds at the stations of the line. Likewise, they request through social networks that the convoy fans be turned on before the concentration of passengers heading to Ciudad Azteca.

For its part, Line 9 —from Pantitlán to Tacubaya— presents a high concentration of users, which is why empty units were also requested, mainly at the Chabacano station.

Agglomeration in stations of Line 9, Metro CDMX (Twitter)

Delays on Line 2 and Line B

The line 2 that goes from Taxqueña to Cuatro Caminos, was reported with delays of up to 30 minutes. Users on social networks indicated that in various service stations the trains take a long time.

“Cuatro Caminos Station Line 2 of the Metro without train. We have been there for 30 minutes and no one has arrived in the direction of Taxqueña”, commented an affected person.

For their part, crowds appeared at the Buenavista terminal station of the B line

Line 2 Metro CDMX (Twitter/@DioneHimura)

According to citizen reports on social networks, progress continues slowly on lines A, 8 and 3 due to delays in the convoys.

Slowdown in Line 8

Passengers from the Collective Transportation System (STC) denounced that the trains took more than 15 minutes to arrive at Line 8 stations, such as Coyuya or Santa Anita, in the direction of Constitución de 1917.

Delays on Line A

Users reported delays on Line A. Through social networks they accused that the convoy takes between 15 and 20 minutes to leave the Pantitlán terminal station; still others stated that their waiting time was between 30 minutes and an hour.

They also accused that the arrival at each station was slow.

Delays on Line A Metro CDMX (Twitter/@Itzelalaniz23)

The authorities of the CDMX Metro alerted that the speed of the trains will be reduced during the evening, due to the weather conditions in the city. And it is that at the moment an 80 percent probability of rain persists.

Rain probability in CDMX (Metro CDMX)

After several hours with complications, delays of more than 30 minutes and evacuations of convoys, the lines 3, 7 and 8 They are maintained with continuous progress, although at times slow. Meanwhile, the influx decreased in several stations.

(Photo: Francisco Veloz/@FranciscoVelozr)

A train was evicted at the station Refinery of the line 7assure users, who with annoyance pointed out delays and slow progress throughout the network.

For its part, Line 9 has already begun with saturation on platforms. For its part, Line B is one of the most collapsed according to reports.

Some stations of the B line They are at full capacity —such is the case of Ciudad Azteca— for which reason delays have been reported as well as slow progress. Some users have indicated a waiting time of between 20 and 25 minutes.

The same happens in the lines 8 and 3, in the case of the first, the UAM-Iztapalapa and Iztacalco stations.

Regarding line 3, direction University City to Green Indians smooth progress was reported, however the opposite route remains saturated.

(Photo: Special/Twitter)

After more than half an hour of delays, the slow progress and high influx in some stations of the lines 7, 8 and B. metro, especially those with transfers.

Meanwhile in the line 3 more fluid progress began to be reported but still with saturation.

(Photo: CDMX Metro)

muzquiz, promoter and Warrior like the seasons B line that are in greater demand. So far the metro operators have not announced the shipment of empty trains.

Added to the reports was Line 7, which runs from The rosary to Dead Man’s Canyonwhere there are already delays and platform saturation at some stations.

(Photo: Lizeth Alvarez /@LizethA81952686)

Slow boarding on Line 3

High influx in the Line 3 and slow boarding, however, it was reported that there is continuous progress of the units. According to the Metro report, empty units are being shipped.

“(…) There is a high influx of users and the approach is slow. The shipment of empty units continues. It allows the free closing of doors ”, reads the official account of the Collective Transport System.

(Photo: Special/STC Metro)

In the B line slow progress of trains was announced, with time of up to 20 minutes of waiting and delays in both directions.

While the olive green line stations as University, Warrior (Line B connection) and Medical Center (with transfer with Line 9) are full.

At its maximum capacity platforms of Line 3

In the line 8 (which goes from Garibaldi to Constitution of 1917) users reported delays of more than ten minutes and a large influx of people, especially in the terminal station Garibaldi.

In addition, the authorities of the STC Metro warned that the platforms of the line 3 They are at their maximum capacity, so empty units will be sent.

Due to delays in Line 3, they recommended taking forecasts

Through its official channels on social networks, the authorities of the CDMX Metro warned of the slowness in the Line 3 service. “Personnel from the system work on secondary roads in Ticomán to normalize circulation. Take forecasts”, was the recommendation shared by the Transportation System.

A damaged train would be the cause of the setbacks

Preliminary information shared by users of Line 3 detailed that, apparently, the cause of the delay in the circulation of convoys would be a broken train.

So far, the Transportation System authorities have not issued a statement in this regard.

The delays reported at the Indios Verdes terminal caused setbacks at high-flow stations due to their transfers, such as Warrior (with correspondence to Line B) and Gentleman (with correspondence to Line 2).

The Guerrero station was one of the most affected by the lack of trains. (Twitter/@kraisiech)

Up to half an hour wait in Indios Verdes

With a high influx of users, the Indios Verdes station presented delays of up to half an houraccording to reports shared via social networks.

“In Indios verdes Line 3, more than 30 minutes have passed without a train passing by, please send trains,” was one of the messages shared by a person on Twitter.

The absence of convoys at said terminal caused setbacks along the entire line in the direction of Universidad.

They reported the presence of an animal on the platforms of Line A

Via Twitter, a user announced that in the Los Reyes station there was a cat. So far, it is unknown if it would be owned by any person, as well as if the authorities removed it from the facilities.

Service delay in Indios Verdes

After a few minutes of starting its functions, the line 3 (green) of the Metro presented setbacks, according to reports from some users.

The information shared on social networks accused that in the terminal Green Indians the trains took at least 15 minutes to reach the platform.

Users accused delays in the Indios Verdes terminal. (MARIO JASSO/CUARTOSCURO)

The service of the Collective Transportation System (STC) Meter. Until now has not been reported by users or the Metro account, no delay or circulation complication of the trains.

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