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Meurthe-et-Moselle: a shooting leaves five injured in the street in Villerupt

C. Arnold, J. Roth, P. Lhermitte, C. Gomond, E. André, France 3 Lorraine, J. Siehr – franceinfo

France Televisions

On the evening of Saturday May 13, a man opened fire in the city center, in Villerupt, in Meurthe-et-Moselle. Five people were injured, three of them in serious condition. The hypothesis of the settlement of account is put forward.

On the ground, small yellow studs, like so many casings found by the investigators. Twenty in total, proof of the violence of the shooting which shook Villerupt (Meurthe-et-Moselle), Saturday May 13. In the early evening, in the city center, a hooded and gloved gunman opened fire on young people gathered under a porch. A total of five people were injured, three are still in serious condition. The shooter quickly drove away.

The price per gram written on the walls

If the investigations continue, the hypothesis of the settlement of accounts is advanced, because the place is a well-known deal point for the inhabitants. “We expected it one day or another, they’ve been there for years under the porch”says a man. “They even put the price per gram on the walls”, said a resident. At the entrance to the porch, indeed, are listed the various drugs sold and their prices. The shooter was still at large on the evening of Sunday May 15.

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