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Mexican deputy calls for removal of statues of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

Mexican deputy calls for removal of statues of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

MEXICO CITY.- Mexican deputy for the conservative National Action Party, America Rangel, asked to remove the monument erected in memory of Fidel Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara which is located in a park Mexico City.

She made the request through her social networks. “Now that in Yucatan they are organizing to remove the statue of Poseidon, here in Mexico City we must do the same to remove the statues of the murderers Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. Who is in?” she wrote on her X profile.

The proposal received numerous messages of support and dozens of users said they were willing to organize and remove the statue.

The monument located in the Mexican capital is a bronze figure depicting Castro and Guevara seated.

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This is not the first time that the sculptural complex, called the Monument of the Encounter, has been the center of controversy. In 2021, it was vandalized and several unidentified people covered the bronze with white paint and placed a sign with the phrase “Fuera AMLO” (Out with AMLO), in reference to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the website reports. Cuban Diary.

Previously, in October 2020, the bench with the sculptures was the victim of an attempted robbery and, in response to the incident, local authorities surrounded the site with a metal structure. According to officials from the Mexican capital’s police, “there is no date for the protection to be removed and for people to be able to take photos again at that site, very close to the Monument to the Revolution,” Diario de Cuba details.

The Monument of the Encounter is a work created in 2017 by the sculptor Óscar Ponzanelli, and evokes the first meeting between Castro and Guevara in Mexico City.

The sculpture was removed shortly after it was first installed in December of that year because it needed a favorable opinion from the Committee of Monuments and Artistic Works in Public Spaces of Mexico City (COMAEP), which was denied.

Source: EDITORIAL/Diario de Cuba

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