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Mexican Stock Exchange closes in the green due to a greater appetite for risk

The Mexican stock markets closed in positive territory on Tuesday. Local stock indices rose on higher global risk appetite after China announced it would lift Covid-19 restrictions for international travelers.

The leading index S&P/BMV CPI of the Mexican stock exchange (BMV), made up of the 35 most liquid shares in the domestic market, rose 0.33% to 50,440.02 units.

The titles of the firm of telecommunications towers Latin American sitesowned by tycoon Carlos Slim, led the increases, with 4.08% more at 9.69 pesos, followed by those of the mining company Penoles Industrieswhich added 2.52% to 266.15 pesos.


Meanwhile, the FTSE BIVAfrom the Institutional Stock Market (biva), advanced 0.29% to 1,052.80 units.

Investors remain hopeful of a year-end rise that will lift a market hit by recession fears,” Intercam Banco analysts said.

In the debt market, the primary yields of the Treasury Certificates (Cetes) rose in the weekly auction of government securities, with the exception of the 28-day Cete reference rate, which was placed at 10.10%, 10 base points below from his previous auction, when he reached his highest level since June 2001.

(With information from Reuters.)


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