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Mexicanada in the Police: they will remove the corrupt elements

Inspector Officer Luis Miguel Colmán Pérez, Second Officer Ramón David García Blanco, Warrant Officer Carlos Antonio Aquino Morel, Warrant Officer Pedro Antonio Blanco González and Warrant Officer Richard René Rojas Vera are accused of unlawful deprivation of liberty, aggravated robbery and criminal association.

In this regard, Commander Carlos Benítez reported that the investigation is open, looking for more involved in the event. At the moment the background of each one is being requested.

“We are going to comply with removing the corrupt elements from the institution”announced Benítez, in communication with 730 AM.

Apart from the splashed names, the head of Investigations, Child. Hugo Díaz had to be removed from office, without this implying that he is involved.

On the other hand, the Minister of the Interior, Enrique Riera, along the same lines, maintained that there will be zero tolerance for corruption.

Edgar Ayala was taken from his vehicle on Saturday at siesta in the Cuarto Barrio de Luque and taken by force by five police officers, who allegedly asked him for money in exchange for something.

The Mexican entry in the Police: they will remove the corrupt elements was first published in Diario HOY.

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