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Mexico must be ready for the arrival of a new wave of investment: Buenrostro

Mexico assured 19,000 million dollars of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) destined to the real estate sector for the next two years, assured Raquel BuenrostroSecretary of Economy.

This is a reflection of the nearshoring phenomenon, where Mexico has positioned itself at the strategic point for the operation of companies, for which, in the next two years, “a wave of important investment will come,” the Mexican official anticipated. inaugurate the intelligence center of the Confederation of Industrial Chambers (Concamin).

However, Mexico must be ready to capture the wave of new investments to arrive in the next two years, for which he told the industrialists: “It’s good that they have that intelligence center because what is urgent is to see what talent is here.” , in Mexico, to make it grow and start offering that supply and start generating what is missing, because there are even many things that are needed”.

He admitted that given the deficiencies that our country still has, it is necessary to perform an analysis on the products purchased by Canada, the United States and Mexico from China, “what is missing are electrical electronics, metallurgy, steel, auto parts and the automotive part that a lot of the automotive part is going to come, so all these sectors are going to grow a lot.”

The country has two options: we grow and use our lines of business, or someone will come and take them”, warned the Secretary of Economy.

During his participation, José Abugaber, president of Concamin, highlighted the creation of the Concamin Intelligence Center (CIC), which he considered “an important event for the promotion of industrial development in Mexico, because it constitutes a fundamental piece for economic growth and the social welfare of our country.

He explained that in order to achieve development it is essential to have up-to-date and relevant information and knowledge about the economic, industrial and business environment.

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