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Mexico recognizes “significant” flow of migrants before the end of Title 42 – Hola News

Mexico City, May 5 (EFE).- The Mexican government acknowledged this Friday that there is a “significant” flow of migrants in recent days before the end of Title 42 of the United States next week.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard warned that human traffickers, known as “polleros” or “coyotes”, deceive migrants with the promise of taking them to the United States now that the measure ends.

“We are seeing a very important flow in recent days based on a deception, which is: they tell the Venezuelan, Central American people, ‘hurry up to get to the United States by crossing Mexico because on May 11 they are going to remove Title 42 ‘” Ebrard said in a conference.

The flow occurs before the expiration next Thursday of Title 42, a measure adopted by Donald Trump (2017-2021) and later continued by President Joe Biden to expel migrants on the grounds of the covid-19 pandemic, an emergency declaration which is about to end in the US

In this context, the Mexican foreign minister denounced that the traffickers “are telling people that, since this provision will no longer be in force, that now they can go to the United States, they charge people between 5,000 and 7,000 dollars ”.

Ebrard, who did not specify the amount by which migration has increased these days, recalled that the end of Title 42 will not imply that the United States will stop the immediate expulsion of migrants who cross the border with Mexico, so it is “false”. that as of May 12 they have a free pass.

“It is not true, because the Americans (Americans) already made it known to us now that they held a press conference, that they are going to stop repatriating people who enter undocumented. That is not true. They have other legal provisions, ”he detailed.

The region is facing an unprecedented migratory flow in the region with more than 2.76 million undocumented immigrants intercepted by the United States at the border with Mexico in fiscal year 2022.

Mexico has also registered an annual increase of more than 43% in the number of “people in an irregular situation in Mexico” in 2022, when it detected 444,439.

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