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Mexico will donate 6 million dollars to Syria as humanitarian aid after the earthquake: SRE

Mexico will donate 6 million dollars to Syria as humanitarian aid after the earthquake: SRE

Mexico will donate 6 million dollars to Syria as humanitarian aid after the earthquake From the past February 6th who registered at the border with Turkeywhich will be delivered through the United Nations Organization (UN), informed the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubon.

In the press conference this Monday, he pointed out that these resources will be They will deposit tomorrow Tuesday. February 14th.

“The president has arranged for Mexico to make a donation of 6 million dollars that will be deposited as soon as they give us the bank account. This depends on a United Nations office in charge of humanitarian affairs”, he detailed.

He indicated that in this earthquake, the most serious of the last century, there is a record of “a little more than 35 thousand dead and 85 thousand wounded of which 31,643 are in Turkey and 43,000 are in Syria.”

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