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Mexico will persuade the US to lift the blockade on Cuba: AMLO

Mexico will persuade the US to lift the blockade on Cuba: AMLO

By considering the commercial blockade against CubaPresident Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated that Mexico will seek to persuade Eunited states to get an end to this inhumane policy.

During the morningthe president indicated that he will lead a series of efforts and procedures to convince the government to USAwhich heads Joseph Bidenso that also Cuba not be considered a terrorist nation.

“We are going to take steps and procedures to seek an agreement. when the president Obama progress was made, there was an agreement, even Pope Francis intervened, well, President Obama visited Cuba, things remained on better terms, however the change with the president trump that policy of rapprochement receded and that was when they put Cuba on the list of terrorist countries,” he said.

One day after having held a bilateral meeting with his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez and whom he decorated with the Mexican Order of Aztec Eagle, in CampecheLópez Obrador recalled that Mexico “always Mexico” has condemned the commercial blockade against the Island.

He indicated that the background of the trade blockade who imposed United States to Cubasince 62 yearsis the shore for Cubans to rebel against their government.

“What is the fault of our Cuban brothers that a power does not like that they decide to act in a sovereign manner? And why push that people through an unfair blockade to rebel against their own government,” he said. .

He said that the commercial blockade is an offense against human dignity, by restricting the arrival of support from Cubans living in the United States to their families, a position that affects the image of that government.

“It is an offense to the Statue of Liberty, it is an offense to human dignities.”

He stressed that his government’s position is a “fundamental issue of Human Rights.”

“It is a flagrant violation of the Human Rights of an entire people. No one can surround or block a people for political and ideological reasons. Its inhuman. (…) What is the fault of our Cuban brothers that a power does not like that they decide to act in a sovereign manner? ”, He expressed.

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