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Mexico’s ex-drug ‘czar’ sentenced in New York: a verdict in troubled waters

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Tuesday, February 21, in dead silence, a federal court in Brooklyn (New York) found Genaro García Luna guilty of the five counts against him, for cocaine trafficking, organized crime and false declaration to the court. The former head of the Mexican FBI, President Felipe Calderón’s anti-drug “tsar” from 2006 to 2012, the man who shook hands with Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or Senator John McCain, has therefore fallen.

Who is Genaro García Luna, the former Mexican minister on trial for drug trafficking?

We expected long and tortuous deliberations before the twelve jurors agreed – or not – on a unanimous verdict, essential to pronounce a conviction. But the trial ended at least two weeks earlier than expected: it only took fifteen hours of deliberation, over three days, for the jury to render its decision. For him, there is no doubt: García Luna was in the pay of the Sinaloa drug cartel, the largest in Mexico, led by Joaquín Guzmán, alias “El Chapo” (sentenced to life imprisonment in 2019 by the same court of Brooklyn). Americans have long known that Mexican drug traffickers have complicity at the highest level. But this is the first time that such a big fish has been condemned by American justice.

The Perico cat

There was a lot of talk during the trial about suitcases of dollars. The two bags

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