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Michael J. Fox: “I probably won’t live to be 80”

US actor Michael J. Fox says he is increasingly struggling with his Parkinson’s disease. “It’s getting harder, every day it’s getting harder,” said the 61-year-old from “Bild am Sonntag”. “I probably won’t be 80.”

APA/AFP/Getty Images/Terry Wyatt

His family is worried if he falls, for example. “But apart from that, I don’t get any sympathy,” said the actor, who became known primarily through the film series “Back to the Future” in the 1980s.

The disease was diagnosed in 1991 in then 29-year-old Fox. Apple TV has now produced a documentary titled “Still” about the life of Michael J. Fox. He said: “When I saw the film myself, it was shocking to me. My face sometimes looks so empty and expressionless.” He is not always aware of what he looks like. “Not that it bothers me, but it’s intense when you see it on screen.”

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