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Michael Sayman, the engineer of Bolivian and Peruvian origin who shone on Facebook and Google

At just 17 years old, Michael Treasurer He was hired by Mark Zuckerberg to work at Facebook as a programmer. The son of a Bolivian and a Peruvian, this prodigy of technology, already at the age of 13 had achieved for his first app to become number one in the app store: Today is an example of overcoming.

Born in Miami in 1996, Sayman’s interest in programming began as a child. He learned with tutorials on YouTube, honing his skill until being called upon by the global tech giants.

With the crisis in the United States in the first decade of the 2000s, the young Sayman told his parents that he would dedicate himself to work and that he would support them. And he could do it.

The success of the 4 Snaps app and its arrival on Facebook

La app 4 Snaps, a turn-based photo game, took it to the top. There, Zuckerberg took an interest in his knowledge, giving him space as an intern at the age of 17 and then formally hiring him.

In an interview with the TEC portal, Sayman explained: “Since I was 11 years old I was (on the social network) Facebook, but I never imagined that I would be able to work there. Little by little, creating applications and reaching number one in the store, with the 4 Snaps app, I was able to reach thousands of users”.

“And that suddenly they contact me to work… It’s crazy!”

Three years later, Michael Sayman moved on to another tech giant, Google. Later he dedicated himself to video games, focusing on Roblox, according to his account. the Peruvian portal La República.

Michael Sayman, an example of overcoming

Michael Sayman has been able to consolidate not only brilliant work as an application creator and a fortune. He is also an example for the LGTBI community by publicly declaring his homosexuality, in an interview with People en Español magazine.

The young man wrote App kid, an autobiographical book where he told how he was able to achieve success, based on his dedication and passion. “There is no genius behind all this. There was an average guy with a lot of determination. Anyone can do it.” Sayman told People about his work.

“If you really love this and have a skill, You just need to be very stubborn with what you want to create.” summarized.

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