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Michoacan family would have attacked the National Guard in Edomex

Vehicles labeled with the name of the criminal organization were seized at the scene (Photo: Twitter/@CharroNegro_Mx)

A stroke against members of the National Guard was reported in the State of Mexico, as a result long arms and ammunition were confiscated. Reports on social networks indicated that the attacks were the responsibility of alleged members of the Michoacan Familysince the vehicles had the name of the criminal group labeled on one side.

The events occurred on Tuesday, May 2 in Bravo Valley. So far no injuries or deaths have been reported and when the attackers managed to escape of the site.

At least two vans were secured, one had the full name written on the side and the other had only the initials of the criminal organization. In the back of one of the vehicles a spare tire could be seen as well as several food cans, cardboard boxes and plastic bags.


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